The theme for the past 2 weeks in our Facebook Group was "One of My Favourite Things" selected by our featured artist Hanna Scott. The theme brought up some lovely images many photographic as you can imagine babies, children and pets featured fairly strongly! A most enjoyable and inspiring theme. The entire album can be viewed here but here are a few selections to enjoy right here.
Thanks so much Sam Parr for creating this blog site. I really appreciate your social networking skills and all of the heart and soul you put into that which you undertake. I am most grateful to see that you've added a link to my website. As the founder of Illustrious Artists and now this blog site my hat I take off to you X ~
ReplyDeleteHello Hanna thanks so much for your always encouraging and massive contribution to "Illustrious Artists" you are a key member and contribute so much I take my hat off to you right back (even tho I'm not wearing one) LOL x