Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Featured Artist: Hanna Scott

Self Portrait of Hanna Scott 

Our most Illustrious Manager Susan Tribuzio had a great idea of combining our regular themes in the Facebook group with a "featured artist"- that person would select the theme and also be that week/fortnight's "star guest" as it were. The first featured artist we had was Hanna Scott, and her choice of theme was "One of My Favourite Things".

Theme covered, but how to successfully "feature" the artist and give them the spotlight they deserve? Not always easy in the Facebook group format. So, we thought that the "featured" part could take the form of an interview/Q&A with the artist and a selection of their work to highlight here on the blog without the distraction of daily postings in the Facebook group.

So without further ado, here is our very first interview with the wonderfully talented gifted and gracious soul that is Hanna Scott, along with some her of work to enjoy. 

Classic Vintage Camera by Hanna Scott

IA: Hello Hanna fancy a coffee? :) - you chose 'one of my favourite things' as the theme, what influenced to choose that? 

Yes don't mind if I do Sammy thanks :) I chose "One of my favourite things" as a theme basically because I thought it was inclusive in nature ie: something that everyone could consider and make a post on ~

One of Hanna's "Favourite Things" 

IA: but Who Is Hanna Scott? Please tell us a bit about yourself in your own words.

Mmm...can I tell you when I find out myself...just kidding love...I would say @ my core I am essentially an individual with aspirations and dreams like everyone else and I do have a very spiritual nature and try to stay connected to that as much as possible because oft times I do find the ways of the world rather baffling. I was born in Montreal, Quebec & I've travelled a fair bit. I lived in London for 8 years & out of anywhere I've been that feels closest to "home." In a nutshell I would say I'm liberal minded, artistic, spiritual and I want to "win" and want everyone one else to also ie; ones heart & soul's desires.

White Winged Dove ~
Painting by B Spencer~
Photograph & digital art by Hanna Scott ~

IA: What is your line of creativity?

I'm a photographer & my focus in that area has always been portraiture although it's expanded now as a result of entering the digital world. I also am drawn to writing...scripts (film/tv...not medical), journal & some poetry ~

My Niece ♥ ~

Bijette ~
An absolute gentleman...

IA: Are you self taught or college/uni trained, and has this informed the way you 

I went to college and then University and have a BA in Communication Studies but as an artist/photographer...although I've taken courses I somehow feel I am more self-taught...it's something that comes from within I feel ~

IA: How would you describe your style of work?

It's changed actually, I used to take very serious for lack of a better word portraits but I'm more drawn to infusing something light into that which I produce now...I am also drawn to photographing that which catches my eye and transforming images digitally...I'm very drawn to the abstract. One thing that has not changed with my portraiture is that I am always really interested in getting to the core of the individual and bringing the best of them out as it were and in order to do that the key as far as I'm concerned is creating a trusting atmosphere because it is a vulnerable exchange really asking someone to reveal themselves...some are more comfortable doing that than others so I'd say my approach is more nurturing as opposed to objectifying ~

Pond Light ~
Abstract Blue & Pink 2012 ~
Stone Work Retouched ( Inverted Colors) ~

IA: Who and/or what influences you and your work?

I think my work is influenced by some inner vision of what I consider to be aesthetically pleasing...it could be rather idealistic in a way...but I'm more interested in an image which projects something light in nature as opposed to dark...the world is full of that already and I have no interest in adding to that ~

Skylight ~

Fish in Pond ~

IA: What's your favourite film? 

I have a lot but what comes to mind right away is "A Christmas Carol" The Alister Simms (sp?) version...I think it's such a brilliant story and Simms def. does it justice...I like the journey we are taken on with Scrooge and the transformation his character undergoes...I think it's an extremely imp. film really ~

IA: What is your ideal job? 

I think photographing and interviewing individuals...I love words and images and I'm interested in people. I'd also love to own my own gallery with a framing shop and show case my work and the work of emerging artists as I think that is very important ie; encouraging artists to express their vision and have a space where they can exhibit it and make money from what they do best...I think society has a ways to go with that concept ~

My sister Sue ~

Lilies Enhanced ~

IA: Can you name one thing about yourself that is unique or surprising, that people 
wouldn't be able to tell about you unless you told them? 

I'm good with my hands ~

IA: Describe your Perfect Day? 

A perfect day to me would include work and play...doing my art, hanging out with friends, listening to music, going grocery shopping, cleaning my flat (true), encouraging someone who may be feeling discouraged, doing something new, shopping I could go on and on ~



Stiletto Retouched ~

IA: What is your favourite drink?

I like cranberry juice (sometimes with a splash of vodka & lemon) & I do like a good coffee ~

Photo By Sam Parr ~
"Mirage" retouch Hanna Scott ~

IA: do you have any pets? 

I have a cat Samson Tiger Scott and he never fails to amuse me...I also love dogs and most animals really ~

"Devie" my fav. Papillon

Samson Tiger Scott

IA: do you smile a little or a lot? 

I smile and laugh when something strikes me as amusing ~

IA: What time were you up to last night and why?

I was up last night 'til about midnight...I usually go to bed around then...I was tossing and turning a bit and had a song in my head by the pretenders so I turned on my computer and uploaded it and listened to it...I didn't want to blast my stereo @ that hour ~

IA: What is your dream holiday destination?

Mmm probably the south of France or one of the islands ~

Flower w Leaves (inverted colors) ~

IA: what's your Most played album? 

Without a doubt Rumours by Fleetwood Mac ~

IA: is there a Book you'd recommend everyone should read? 

I've read a few over the years...hard to choose one um...I think anything by Dickens ~

Photo of a Billboard for the film "Anonymous" edited & retouched 

IA: What are your plans for the future work wise? 

That's a good question...to make my living as a freelance photographer...have exhibitions...publish a book...meet fascinating individuals...travel and support other artists and charities in any way I can...and more I'm sure...I'd love to write a book or film-script and see it up there on the big screen ~

Garden Decor (Retouched) ~
Bird House ~
Water fall @ Summerhill transformed ~

Sam says Thank you...Hanna says Thank YOU ~

Thanks yes indeed for such interesting, engaging, fascinating, insightful answers Hanna Scott!

You can find Hanna's website here 


  1. I really enjoyed reading this interview! (Thanks Sam for doing this!) I always like reading about other artists. I like to discover what makes them "tick."

    I feel like I know you now,Hanna. You're an intriguing artist. It's wonderful that you are still discovering new ways to do art. And loving it in the process! Keep up the great work!


    1. Thank you so much Karen for taking the time to comment and for the compliments...very sweet of you ♥ ~

    2. thanks Karen, it was a real pleasure to "interview" Hanna! <3

  2. Lovely! Absolutely love the Pete portrait, one of my fave actors and caught beautifully.

    1. Thanks Dex...I photographed Pete Postlethwaite when I worked as a dresser @ The RSC in London...he was a great guy and he's one of my fave. actors too! Cheers ~

  3. Fabulous, what a talented lady!

    1. Thank you Blu & you're a talented artist yourself! ♥ ~

  4. Wonderful interview and beautiful photos I might add!

  5. great to see many great images but also here about scott elaborate on what drives her vision.
