Friday, 17 August 2012

Featured Artists: bRoken ToY cOmpAny

  • "Self Portrait" China9
    "Self-portrait" Evil Jesus

    "Self Portrait" Dexuality Valentino
    "Self Portrait" Dex Hannon
    Please note: "Self Portrait" is a very loose term, in that these are the Facebook Profile pictures of the four featured artists.

This week, (a little late I do apologise!) we have a world exclusive interview with not one but FOUR extremely talented and abundantly creative artists, who make up the bRoken ToY cOmpAny.

bRoken ToY cOmpAny is the home of 4 very different artists who graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University in 2001. Their work has been exhibited and sold in England, France & Finland as well as being published in Mexico and South Africa.

As is tradition, our featured artist(s) chooses the fortnightly theme which this last fortnight just gone was "Change".
So on with our interview, enjoy!

So, bRoken ToY cOmpAny, what was your motivation for choosing "Change" as a theme?

Dex Hannon:
I chose it as I'm re-reading Alvin Tofflers Future Shock. An amazing book I cannot recommend enough. 
The book was written in the early 70's and is regarding the rapidity of Change and how the human animal is having to change almost as quickly as the technology around it is. Really thought wobbling stuff.

China 9:
I chose it because I think David Bowie is cool and Changes is one of my favourite songs.

Dexuality Valentino:
Whilst on my travels to far off lands I noticed many animals had changed dramatically from those at home. 3 headed Turtletons. Lady Marmalades with huge hands for feet! Darwin stole all my research, As I see Dex Hannon has! I chose change!

A Selection of Creatures by Dexuality Valentino

Evil Jesus:
Can I change the question? No? Right I'm out of here. (SLAM!)

I'm sorry about EJ he can be a little rude and doesn't like too many questions. I think thats the last we'll hear from him tonight he's locked himself
away with his mangled copy of Camus' The Stranger

IA believes this photograph be a rare sighting of Evil Jesus

Who are bRoken ToY cOmpAny? Can you tell us a bit about yourselves?

bTc: (in unison)
We are (at present) 4 artists based in one head. It gets crowded.

the head that the 4 artists inhabit
I think everyone is many people in one head, We act differently around different people, I just give them names, ha ha.
Sort of like a novelist who is one name for one style another for something else. It stops the reader/viewer pre judging. Keeps their eyes fresh and new.

China9 is definately my fun side, loose, hippy, bright, relaxed and free.
Dexuality is off the walls my anarchistic side inventive and narrative driven.
Evil Jesus. He grew out of a very dark time and so obvious where he comes from.
Dex Hannon is definately the cerebral side.

What is your line of creativity?

We're all in the story telling business. Every artist writer poet musician. We are constantly examining the world around us and reconstructing it to fit a viewpoint. 
I would say I am an artist firstly, an avid photographer. 

A selection of photographs by Dex Hannon

And an OK poet and writer. (Just about to have my first poem published in a book out at the end of the year.)

Are you self taught or college/uni trained, and has this informed the way you 

I think we're all self taught, then university tried to rip all that up and make us conform, Looked at various art colleges and found all the final year shows to be mostly copies or heavily influenced work of the artists at the forefront at the time. Didn't want to do that. Took the design route did a degree in Design & Art Direction and turned it into an artistic statement for my final year. Creating a language of Colours and Sounds. You input a poem and it gave you a sonic and a colour response. We spent 7 years in various art institutions but I think we managed not to become institutionalised.

Can you describe your style of work?

DH creates work that challenges space on a flat surface: illusionary pieces that make the eye work hard to get a grip on it.

Paintings by Dex Hannon

EJ: The work is heavily influenced by tough times. The writing is pretty tough to get down as sometimes its pretty real. So it is created to be tough to strip out. He doesn't want to make it easy to get to the bottom of it all.

C9: Is a liberated soul. Its free flowing bold bright happy and loose. If c9 is painting I'm a happy cat.

Post-It note art by Dexuality Valentino

DV: The work is the most illustrative and detailed. A mock Darwin story behind it, which one day I will get around to writing up. . .

Who and/or what influences you and your work?

Everything. I doubt anyone could pin down that one.
This world and everything in it is a huge pulsating globe of influences.

What's your favourite film?

Hmmm No country for Old Men has been a favourite for a long time. Watched it so many times its getting ridiculous. For me its the Coen bros biggest and best. The cinematography, the scope, the character development. Sigh. I wish I could create something so perfect.

Has to be ELF. Nothing makes me smile more than a large man dressed as an ELF climbing the escalator. (from around 40 seconds for those who haven't seen it)

The film of my life hasn't been made as yet so I will reserve judgement, Steven Seagall is getting old now so they better get a move on!

Recent works by Dex Hannon

What is your ideal job?

to travel the world forever finding new and wonderous beasts! I just need a sponsor, there may be some court costs also that may require settling before I can leave this country.

There is no ideal job. Just ideal recreational activities.

The financial freedom to explore creatively.

EJ: (Enters room to find more booze)
Enough money to drink myself into oblivion and hopefully paint.
(SLAM!, leaves again)

Can you name one thing about yourself that is unique or surprising, that people wouldn't be able to tell about you unless you told them?

I once won a book token at school for reading more books than anyone had ever read at the school. Not good getting up in front of the whole school to receive a prize for being a nerd.

I was a graffiti artist for many years back in Manchester 

Selection of paintings by China9

I discovered the whooly Woofleblat and I was the first to visit the Galapogos Islands. I thought it was boring and too full of Tortoises for my liking, which I also found I was allergic to.

Describe your perfect day?

ALL: Being creative!

and hopefully my wedding day 
(IA: Awwww!)

What is your favourite drink?

Jack Daniels and Coke
The Harvington Throat Warbler (A dangerous concoction of various brands of Absinthe and babycham mixed in Tortoise shell.)
EJ:(from the other room)

Do you have any pets and if so what/who?

Daya. A retired greyhound with a penchant for eating wooden doors and spinning around on the spot at speed until I take her for a walk. Also my camera technician and shot adviser. If she doesn't like the shot she will show her disgust with a suitable bodily function

A shot that met with Daya's approval

Do you smile a little or a lot?

Possibly too much.

What time were you up till last night and why?

Unfortunately due to the lack of spare bodies we go to sleep together in the same bed. We don't take up as much room room as you'd think, although I am known for showing off my ninja moves whilst asleep, much causes no end of annoyance to my long suffering fiancee.

Dream holiday destination?

New York. Its a place I feel drawn to. I can't explain why.

Woody Allen, by the artist, another fan of New York

Bukowski by Dex Hannon

Has to be Somewhere new and exciting. Somewhere no man has ever dared set foot. Dangerous and full of adventure. Blackpool maybe.
(for those that don't know Blackpool these are the types of creatures you may meet whilst on an adventure there,do not and I mean this DO NOT APROACH)

Paintings by Dexuality Valentino

IA: Most played record?

I have a vast music collection. My taste changes daily. At the moment it is Modest Mouse - Good News for People who like Bad News,

Anything by Magnetic Fields album 69 Love songs gets hammered a lot. I love this song

Frank Zappa, cool crazy intelligent and wittier than an extremely witty hat, worn wittily.

Paintings of Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart by Dex Hannon or, possibly, China9

Book you would recommend everyone should read?

Alvin Toffler Future Shock

The book about my life has not been written yet so I shall reserve my judgement. Although I was rather miffed to discover Dickens is dead!

One last question : what does the future hold for you

A life full and filled and every opportunity offered grasped and never wasted.

Happy wedded bliss, More time for photography and of course more time for Painting Painting Painting!

More time in the Studio working. DH has been rather too preoccupied with all things marriage for me. But I'm happy for him.

Life is an adventure not practice run! Seize the day! and avoid Taxes!

EJ: (enters room vomits whilst falling and somehow manages to defeat gravity and beat the liquid to the ground causing the it splash on his head)
I think I'm done here.

Paintings by Evil Jesus

ALL: Thankyou for letting us all be artist of the month! We all feel very warm inside.

Have fun peoples!! [:-)]

Thankyou so much bRoken ToY cOmpAny for this wonderfully entertaining interview and such a great selection of varied work.

If you would like to see more visual treats you can visit bRoken ToY cOmpAny's Facebook page and Website.

And for those of you wanting more Elf, follow this link to Elf The Mall Scene


  1. I just finished reading the blogger interview about Broken Toy Company by Sam Parr. What an interesting read! The featured artists: China9,Dex Hannon,Dexuality Valentine,and Evil Jesus have an intriguing variety of styles. Everyone should read the interview and view the amazing art by these four artists!

  2. What a fascinating, intriguing and colorful interview featuring Broken Toy Company by Sam Parr.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the questions, answers and art.

    Captivating, intriguing, non-conformist & imaginative ~

    Cheers X ~
